Postdoctoral degree in the discipline of management and quality sciences and a professor at the University of Lodz in the Faculty of Management
Dr. hab. Dariusz Trzmielak is also visiting professor at the Sukhumi State University in Tbilisi. He obtained his postdoctoral degree in economic sciences based on his scientific work “Commercialization of knowledge and technology – stimulants and strategies.
Dr. hab. Dariusz M. Trzmielak, a professor at the university, has been an employee of the Institute of the Polish Mother’s Health Center in Lodz since 2020, where he currently serves as deputy director of the CZMP Institute for scientific affairs. He is an expert in knowledge management, transfer of intellectual property from scientific and research centers to enterprises. An experienced scientist in management and quality sciences.
Dr. hab. Dariusz Trzmielak worked in the years 2004-2007 at the American-Polish Offset Program, University of Texas – University of Lodz, as the Director of the Innovation Center. In 2010-2014 he was a member of the investment committee of the StartMoney Fund. He also managed, as vice-president of the board, the Innovation Center – Technology Accelerator UŁ Foundation. He also used his knowledge and experience in managing the Technology Transfer Center UŁ. In his international activities, he is a member of the Fellows Network of the University of Texas at Austin. He sat on the board of the Technology Accelerator UŁ Foundation Foundation and the supervisory board of the biotechnology company GeneaMed sp. z o.o. For 9 years he was a member of the board (Vice-President and Treasurer) of the Association of Organizers of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centers in Poland and a member of the scientific council of the Proakademia Research and Innovation Center. Expert and coordinator of the part of the project concerning the system of implementing regional policy in Ukraine and co-author of the “Recommendations for improving the system of programming and implementation of development policy and regional policy in the context of socio-economic and systemic changes in Ukraine” as part of the Polish Aid program of the Minister of Development. (2017).