Industrial Development Agency JSC
Lawyer, graduate of the Faculty of Law at the Catholic University of Lublin, Postgraduate Studies in Foreign Trade at the Warsaw School of Economics, and doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw, as well as EMBA studies at the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. For many years he was involved in the management of EU funds, including those related to the digitization of administration and the construction of broadband Internet infrastructure in rural areas. Currently, Director of the Technology Development Office at ARP S.A., where he deals with, among others, supporting the development of innovative industries such as space technologies, microelectronics, and industrial robotics and automation, as well as implementing pro-innovation services in large enterprises. Author of the ARP S.A. business strategy in the area of space technologies and initiator of the activities included in it: the internship program, loan and investment instruments, ARP Space Academy, technology transfer program. As part of the ESA BIC Poland consortium, responsible on behalf of ARP S.A. for coordinating the establishment of a business incubator in Poland. Member of the Supervisory Boards of Creotech Instruments SA – a company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and PIAP Space sp. z o.o., Member of the Management Board of the Space Sector Employers’ Association.