Professor at the University of Economics in Krakow
Graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics and Częstochowa University of Technology. She worked at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and the WSB Academy in Dąbrowa Górnicza. She was the Rector’s Proxy for the Quality of Education at the Jagiellonian University. She is the author of numerous scientific publications on management and quality sciences concerning strategic management, strategic development, accreditation and quality management of education. She participated in many national and international projects, including UNA Europa (1EUROPE), Sustainable Quality Enhancement in Higher Education Learning and Teaching (SQELT): Learning and Teaching Space in Higher Education (LTSHE), Mistrzowie Dydaktyki (2 editions). For 17 years, as an expert, she has been conducting training and workshops for rectors, deans, academic teachers and professional employees of university administration in the area of managing the image of the university and building the image of a scientist. Recently she has been publishing in the area of strategic university management, and education quality management and is involved in the popularization of science.